Brother John Avanzini
Experience the powerful Ministry of Dr. John Avanzini in these important Teachings. Often referred to as “The Apostle of Finance,” Brother John is an anointed voice of truth in the area of Biblical economics. For over 65 years, he has maintained an urgent dedication to preaching the Gospel and teaching the Scriptural principles of increase. He has authored over 50 books on the negelected truths of finance found in The Word of God. The anointing on his life has impacted and equipped multiple generations of believers to abundantly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Be blessed by these teachings taken from the Ministry of Brother John Avanzini throughout the years.
Podcasting since 2021 • 10 episodes
Brother John Avanzini
Latest Episodes
Need Vs Seed
Understanding the difference between need and seed, from Scripture, will revolutionize your understanding of increase. Be blessed by this powerful teaching from Brother John.

Night Vision
Enjoy this powerful teaching on the importance of faith in seedtime and harvest.

The Wealth of the Wicked
Enjoy this teaching surrounding the end time wealth transfer out of the hands of the wicked and into the hands of the righteous.